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Visual Assist 초기화

by 민트초코맛꼬깔콘 2010. 11. 1.


1. 시작버튼->실행을 누른후.. explorer %TEMP% 라고 입력해서
   환경변수 TEMP에  임시 폴더를 알아냅니다.
   그리고 그 폴더의 모든파일을 지웁니다.
    폴더에 생성된 라이센스에 관련된 어떤 파일 하나를 지우기 위해서입니다..)

 레지스트 편집기를 실행하시고 편집메뉴->찾기->찾을대상에 "값"을 선택하고 "nLxxQ"로 검색합니다.(""는 제외합니다.)
    나온 CLSID를 서브키까지 모두 지웁니다.
   저는 HKCR\CLSID\{5373DE59-FD7C-AA67-4D4B-7DDACF915A49}에 있더군요.
    컴퓨터마다 모두 다를겁니다. VA X의 새버전을 깔면 또 바뀔지도 모르겠네요,,)

3. 레지스트 편집기를 실행하시고.. HKLM\Software\Licenses를 찾아서 서브키까지 모두 지웁니다.

 혹시 모르니 재부팅 하시면 기한연장 끝입니다. (재부팅 안해도 될거 같습니다만..)

저는 아래 원문의 방법대로 순서대로 다 했습니다만.. 그렇게까지 복잡하게까지 할필요는  같습니다. 위에 말한것처럼만 해도 될것 같더군요. 물론 확인을 못해봐서 확신은  
한달후에 또 등록하라는 창이 뜨면 위와 같은 과정을 반복해 주시면  
앞으로 자주 업데이트 되는 VA X의 어떤 버전에도 적용됩니다. 토마토라는  Armadillo를 사용안하기 전까지는요.

======================= 원문 ==================================
VA X  period can be reset in three fairly easy steps:

 Delete Armadillo licences registry entry
2. Delete VA's fake temporary  in system %TEMP% folder
3. Delete VA's fake COM component  in the registry

> Step 1

 uses Armadillo protection. This step is as simple as it 
gets: use regedit and delete Armadillo licenses key HKLM\Software\Licenses 
 all its subkeys.

> Step 2

In order  find out which temp file is actually VA's file, delete  files from 
system %TEMP% folder.
Launch VSNET 2003 and  until it's loaded or until VA trial dialog pops up.
 to system %TEMP% folder; there should be just one .tmp  created by 
VA/Armadillo. Write down its name for the  trial period reset and delete it.
Exit VA and VSNET 

> Step 3

You'll need Regmon (www.sysinternals.com).
 Regmon and specify that you wish to monitor only VSNET  process (devenv.exe).
Launch VSNET 2003 and watch Regmon logging registry  
When VSNET is loaded (or when VA trial dialog pops  stop Regmon's registry 
Exit VA/VSNET 2003 before proceeding.
 the Regmon's list search for the very first occurence of  
text ""HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato". You'll see something like

   devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato SUCCESS Key: 0xE1844558

From  line manually scroll down searching for the very first line  the key 
HKCU\CLSID\{<some guid>} or key HKCR\CLSID\{<some guid>} is  This line will probably 
be a several hundred lines away from the line where you started searching, and it will 
look be something like this:

    devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\CLSID\{BC29421E-12B6-4630-A281-E18D215BC63E} 

In order to  that it is indeed the guid that belongs to VA  scheme, launch 
regedit and go to that key. If  key has a value with the strange name such 
 "nLxxQ", it's the one you are looking for. Don't let  meaningful name of the component 
confuse you; it is  part of the protection.

Delete the guid key and  its subkeys. Congratulations, you have just reset VA trial period.

> Notes

To reset trial period next time it's  do go directly to the keys mentioned above 
and  delete them. Don't forget to delete .tmp file too.

 however, that the guid is different for each machine and  might (and will) change 
from one VA version to  The same goes for temporary file, even though currently 
 has the same name on all machines. Don't count on 

The above procedure will work with future VA versions,  long as they don't change
their protection scheme.

VA X trial period can be reset in three  easy steps:

1. Delete Armadillo licences registry entry
2.  VA's fake temporary file in system %TEMP% folder
3. Delete  fake COM component entry in the registry


VA uses Armadillo protection. This step is  simple as it 
gets: use regedit and delete Armadillo  key HKLM\Software\Licenses 
and all its subkeys.
> Step 

In order to find out which temp file is  VA's file, delete all files from 
system %TEMP% folder.
 VSNET 2003 and wait until it's loaded or until VA  dialog pops up.
Go to system %TEMP% folder; there should  just one .tmp file created by 
VA/Armadillo. Write down  name for the next trial period reset and delete it.
 VA and VSNET 2003.
> Step 3

You'll  Regmon (www.sysinternals.com).
Launch Regmon and specify that you wish  monitor only VSNET 2003 process (devenv.exe).
Launch VSNET 2003 and  Regmon logging registry access.
When VSNET is loaded (or when  trial dialog pops up), stop Regmon's registry 
Exit  2003 before proceeding.
In the Regmon's list search for the  first occurence of the 
text ""HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato". You'll see  like

    devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato SUCCESS Key: 

From that line manually scroll down searching for  very first line where the key 
HKCU\CLSID\{<some guid>} or  HKCR\CLSID\{<some guid>} is accessed. This line will probably 
be  several hundred lines away from the line where you started  and it will 
look be something like this:
   devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\CLSID\{BC29421E-12B6-4630-A281-E18D215BC63E} 

In order to verify  it is indeed the guid that belongs to VA protection  launch 
regedit and go to that key. If that  has a value with the strange name such 
as  it's the one you are looking for. Don't let the  name of the component 
confuse you; it is a  of the protection.
Delete the guid key and all  subkeys. Congratulations, you have just reset VA trial period.


To reset trial period next time it's enough  go directly to the keys mentioned above 
and to  them. Don't forget to delete .tmp file too.

Note,  that the guid is different for each machine and it  (and will) change 
from one VA version to another.  same goes for temporary file, even though currently 
it  the same name on all machines. Don't count on that.

The above procedure will work with future VA versions, as  as they don't change
their protection scheme.


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