PCL-1.7 설치 참고 사이트
PCL-1.7 리눅스에 설치
OpenNI, SensorKinect 설치방법도 있지만 그건 패스
출처 : http://www.pcl-users.org/Installing-PCL-1-7-from-scratch-in-Linux-12-04-2-Precise-Pangolin-32-bit-td4029025.html
EDIT: Installing PCL 1.7 From scratch in Linux can be a real pain, and every tutorial I've followed has it's peeve, so I'm providing one for installing this current package (1.7.0), but it probably works for trunk too.
Download Ubuntu Precise Pangolin here:
You should open a terminal (ctrl+alt+T) and run the following lines:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
and let it install all linux updates
next you should run
sudo reboot
1.7.0 or any other version compiled from source suffers from the same problem. The libraries you have to install are not specified anywhere but you should run these lines:
sudo su
apt-get install g++
apt-get install cmake
apt-get install cmake-gui
apt-get install doxygen (if you need to build documentation)
apt-get install apt-get install mpi-default-dev ( if you need to exploit cpu parallelism)
apt-get install openmpi-bin ( if you need to exploit cpu parallelism)
apt-get install openmpi-common ( if you need to exploit cpu parallelism)
apt-get install libflann1
apt-get install libflann-dev
apt-get install libeigen3-dev
apt-get install libboost-all-dev
apt-get install libvtk5.8-qt4
apt-get install libvtk5.8
apt-get install libvtk5-dev
apt-get install libqhull*
apt-get install libusb-dev
apt-get install libgtest-dev
apt-get install qt-sdk
apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre
now you have to install OpenNI, this can be a bit tricky, you also need some libraries first. Run:
sudo apt-get install git-core freeglut3-dev pkg-config build-essential libxmu-dev libxi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev graphviz mono-complete
Now you should make a directory to store a repository we're going to download:
mkdir ~/kinect
cd ~/kinect
git clone https://github.com/OpenNI/OpenNI.git
And change the branch to unstable:
cd OpenNI
git checkout unstable
Run these lines to install OpenNI
cd Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/
chmod +x RedistMaker
cd ../Redist/OpenNI-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.2.23/
Now download another repository to our kinect folder
cd ~/kinect/
git clone git://github.com/avin2/SensorKinect.git
And change the branch to master
cd SensorKinect
git checkout unstable
And run these lines to install SensorKinect:
cd Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/
chmod +x RedistMaker
cd ../Redist/Sensor-Bin-Linux-x64-v5.1.0.25/
chmod +x install.sh
you should now google for this package: nite-bin-linux-x64-v1.5.2.21.tar.bz2 and download it. Extract it to your kinect folder and use gedit or similar to change it's license code in the 3 files inside the NITE-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.2.21/Data folder.
Change: <License vendor=”PrimeSense” key=”"/> to <License vendor=”PrimeSense” key=”0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4=”/>
Then run these lines to install it:
cd ..
There's some libraries you have to install before we proceed now. You might have some of these installed already. Run:
apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
apt-get install libglu1-mesa
apt-get install libglui-dev
apt-get install libx11-dev
apt-get install freeglut3
apt-get install freeglut3-dev
add-apt-repository ppa:v-launchpad-jochen-sprickerhof-de/pcl
apt-get update
apt-get install ps-engine
Install PCL 1.7, trunk or whatever you desire!!! Download the package from git with:
cd /home/YOUR USERNAME HERE/Downloads
git clone https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/tree/pcl-1.7.0
(change the URL to whichever version you need)
and run these lines:
cd pcl pcl-pcl-1.7.0 (or whatever name your folder with pcl is)
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make install
After that there's a fix you need to implement, run these lines:
echo “blacklist gspca_kinect” > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-psengine.conf
rmmod gspca_kinect
you can now make a project, compile and run it with 1.7.0 libraries!
You should thank Saurabh Jha for steps that about libraries installation.
And Michael & his blog readers for the OpenNI installation
Also, whoever wrote this document for the last fix:
Installing pcl 1.6 and all dependencies is really easy with apt-get install, but is there a way to build 1.7 from source and install only the dependencies (without pcl 1.6) from apt-get ?